pondelok 23. mája 2016

Dark Angels / Ultramarines vs. Chaos: Space Marines / Khorne Daemonkin (3.000 pts.) [ENG]

The Siege

+++ Priority Transmition: Coding/Delta/Rouge +++
+++ Recipient: Chapter Master Thyrael +++
+++ Subject: Report +++
+++ Author: Chaplain Zophael +++
+++ Thought for the Day: A single thought of heresy can blight a lifetime of faithful duty. +++

Order of Battle: Dark Angels / Ultramarines
Order of Battle: Space Marines / Khorne daemonkin

Zophael clenched his left fist. The forcefield responded immediately. Bluish light enlightened his armour and gave it even more menacing look. The strike was stopped by a solid layer of concrete. Body of his victom twitched one last time. Mixed residues of helmet and geneticaly modified tissue were slowly flowing into a small crater under the limp body. Nothing remained
now in the place, where a face of mutated marine leered from a damaged helmet. 
He straightened up, assessing a situation on the battlefield. The enemy was retreating. Members of his company were destroying last remmants of the attack. Suddenly a strange shadow shrouded his position. "Defence formation. Get ready for another attack. It will not take long and they will return. In greater numbers." His words were pointed to a approaching figure. He didn´t look back. He knew that the newcomer was not a threat to him. Veteran sergeant Gyrdion took a position by Zophael´s side, watching the surroundings. Jump pack jets on his back were cooling down after last jump.

"We have received a message from the comnanding officer. Positions of Guillimans ´s sons were exposed to the heaviest assault but they hold the groundHowever it is not certain for how long. The high command asks for reinforcements for their positions." Tactical display of his helmet showed him a disposition of the battle brothers from Swords of Ultima Chapter. He immediately understood why the task of defending this part of city was given to them. They cannot afford to lose it. Should it fall, a way to the heart of the city would by opened to the enemy.

"I shall lead reinforcements by myself. Squads Rufael, Aisekar and Thifijus. My squad of veterans, too. Will you join me ?" Sergenat coldn´t mishear a challenge in the chaplain´s question. With smile, Zophael knewing was apperaring on sergeant´s face even with his helmet hiding it, he answered. "With honour. As always." 

Deploy - Dawn of War
Mission- 5 objectives, each side scores 1 VP for each objective it holds at the end of the turn
Night fight - No
First round - DA/UM
Steal the initiative -No
Turn 1 (DA/UM): We moved slightly forward. We know the strength of enemy is in close combat so we are trying to avoid it for as long as possible. Devastators and Land Speeders did some damage to Maulerfiends. Rest of the shooting then klilled just one Bloodletter. One rhino flated out to objective in forest. Bait was set. 
Turn 1 (Chaos): In distance you can see the charging Maulerfined. He made it to close combat even if it required roll of 11".
Turn 1 (Chaos): Everything is moving forward. Rhino was destroyed by Maulerfiend after few misses with meltas. Disembarking tactical squad was then pinned in process. Charging maulerfiend was destroyed by chainfist, one wound alocated to terminators was stopped by invul save. At last havocs put 2 glance and 5 pen hits on the land speeders. Thank to the ravenwing rule (rerolling jink saves) none damage is taken.
Turn 2 (DA/UM): Veterans in rhino destroyed one maulerfined in the centre of the table with meltas. Yellow one at the bottom lost 2HP to devastators lascannons.
Turn 2 (DA/UM): Tigurius manifested a new spell for SM and tactical squad is moved forward 18". Suddenly in melta range, Soulgrinder could not stand devastating fire from anti-armour guns and is destroyed. Assault marines charged raptors and forced them to flee from close combat. Terminators managed to charge another Maulerfiend, one of them is taken down in process. Than chain fist strikes again and the deamonic engine is finished.
Turn 2 (Chaos): Again forward. Bikes missed with both melta guns and even with krak grenade. Devastators are locked in combat with the last Maulerfiend.
Turn 2 (Chaos): Maulerfiend lost a one HP to devastators krak grenades. It should be its last one, but we forget to roll ITWND, so after rollin it, it received additional HP. Two rhinos. are lost in enemy attack. Disembarked tactical squad is charged by Deamon prince, but they stood firm. Our left flank is colapsing. 
Turn 2 (Chaos): A situation on the right one is better. DA tactical squad is charged by Bloodletters, but nothing serious happened.
Turn 3 (DA/UM): Devastators are murdered by deamonic engine, one after another. Same situation is in the close combat with the deamon prince. Veterans with chaplain killed few possesed. Kharns rhino is wrecked and everything is fired at his now disembarked unit. As a result only Kharn remains with just 2W left. Assault squad is moving forward eager to kill something.
Turn 3 (DA/UM): Another moving spell by Tiggurius. Ultramarines are moving forward, supported by Land Speeders.  Right flank is ours. There are only few bloodletters on this side of the table to kill  and I hope DA tacticals could do the job alone
Turn 3 (Chaos): Kharn is retreating. As far as possible from a bolter range. Bikes are regruping in the cover provided by terrain. Maulerfined finished off devastators. UM devastators are charged by dogs with jugglord. They lost combat, didnt pass LD test, no sweep and they stopped runnig 1" from the table edge. Chaplain and his squad is charged by possesed, but I managed to pass all my armour saves and than chaplain showed them how to use the power fist.
Turn 4 (DA/UM): From the last rhino tactical squad disembarked. And shot everything they got to Kharn. As you can see, there is no Kharn on the table now. Next target - khorne dogs. Devastators, land speeders, assult squad shot at them.
Turn 4 (DA/UM): Rest of the unit is then charged. Assault squad sergeant is choped down by lightning claw.On the other side I managed to kill the remaining dogs with chainswords.
Turn 4 (DA/UM): Right flank is secured.
Turn 4 (DA/UM): Now only few chaos units remanis. Some bikes, deamon prince and chaos lord.
Turn 4 (Chaos): Bikes are trying to push on the right flank. Their effort is worthless. Lord is slicing assault marines with the claw. UM devastators are charged by deamon prince and they managed to stand in close combat.
Turn 5 (DA/UM): Bikes are wiped out by sheer volume of a bolter fire. Chaplain with veterans are going to help UM devastators with the deamon prince. So they charged. Devastator sergeant is killed in the challange with rest of his unit. And then veterans with chaplain strikes back. Last wound is taken by chaplains power fist. Epic ending.
Turn 5 (Chaos): The remains of the assault squad are destroyed with the chaos lords lightning claw. Nothing else happened. We are rolling to see if the battle continues. And it is over.
Dar​k Angels / Ultramarines 10 (linebreaker, slay the warlord, 8VP for objectives) : Chaos-Space Marines / Khorne Daemonkin 9 (first blood, linebreaker,​ 6VP for objectives)
The game was super fun, with epic moments on both sides. Big thanks to all playe

Zophael looked around reviewing the outcome of the battle. Destroyed transports will be replaced. Dead battle-brothers not. Nearby Apothecary Venstile was finishing the care of sergeant Gyrdion´s body. Chaplain found his body immediately after battle, with the prayer to the Emperor for sergeant´s soul on his lips. How great was his surprise when he found out that the mutilated body is still showing signs of life - if sus-an coma could be described as „life“. It will take weeks if not moths to cure the horrible wounds. Missing limbs will be replaced with augmentics. Only scars will remain. But not all of them can be treated in Apothecarion. It will be Zophael´s duty to heal the inner ones. He was certain, the sergeant will eventually make it. They knew each other since basic trainig and climbed up the ranks together. From certain point, everybody took his own path, but still side by side. 

He walked toward the leader of the Swords of Ultima. Epistolar Varus was occupied in a conversation with another librarian who took part in the battle. His tall figure was impossible to overlook amongst his brothers. Aura of confidence was surrounding him as another layer of armour. Zophael knew, what are those touched by warp capable of in the midst of the battle. According to the report received from the pilt of one Land Speeders, he was one of the pillars of the defense. When Chaplain approched him in few steps distance, he ended the conversation and suddenly turn in his direction. "Always vigilant." Zopheal thought. 

Looking at the librarian´s forehead he was suprised. There were three glimming metal studs. Badges of honour. Sign of the sevice to the Emperor. In this case the long one. Zophael stepped closer and as a tribute bowed his head slightly. "Chaplain." librarian´s voice sounded too young for his age. "The enemy has been defeated. We can conclude that they wont attack very soon after this confrontation. They suffered high losses." Zophael answered the unspoken question. 

"In the name of my chapter I want to thank you for your help. It is appreciated according to our thinnig lines. Reinforcements are on their way. Two full battle commpanies of my brothers." librarian continues the conversation. Words of reinforcements reminded the chaplain of another duty to fullfil. 

Zophael actived the recording device. Encrypted message started to be recorded. Its content wasn´t long, but its significance was immense. Only the Lion´s descendant could understand its meaning. Chaplain took a deep breath.

"My Lord, target is confirmed and identified."

With these words he recalled the moment from the last battle. He saw him only for a fraction of second. Pattern of armour and ancient ornaments seemed familiar to him. The only thing that was not correct was its colour. Chaos space marines sergeant turned in his direction only for a short moment, he reflexively reacts to movement in his vicinity. In his hand a blade flashed. Unusual sword, different from all others. Special one. One that could be carry only by one person. 

"Commander Tizrael is located. Send the Deathwing."

+++ Alessan +++

utorok 17. mája 2016

Astra Militarum vs. Chaos: Space Marines (Last Step Backwards - special mission)

Last Step Backwards

Pri prechádzaní supplementu pre Astra Militarum - CADIA, som na poslednej strane tejto publikácie naďabil na špeciálnu misiu pre gardistov, v ktorej si môžu vyskúšať odraziť útok jednotiek Chaosu. 

Aby to však nebolo také jednoduché, máte k dispozícii len obmedzené jednotky. A to najmä typy. Hra vám má totižto sprostredkovať historickú udalosť, ktorá sa odohrala na zabudnutom svete Besana. Tam sú tenké línie cadianskych Whiteshieldov (rozumej "zelenáčov") tým posledným čo stojí medzi silami Chaosu a ich absolútnym víťazstvom.

Napriek snahe besanského vysokého velenia je väčšina síl imperiálnej gardy na ústupe, prenasledovaná jednotkami kultistov arcikacíra Lucivera Anckora. Napriek situácii však nie je všetka nádej stratená. Na Incardisnkom moste sa nepriateľom postavil obávaný major Luka. So svojou skromnou vojenskou silou vytvoril za pomoci obranných valov miesto, v ktorom sa môže postaviť presile. A ak nie zvíťaziť, aspoň udržať nepriateľa do príchodu posíl.

Pomoc je totižto na ceste. A nepredstavuje ju nik iný ako samotný Castellan Creed, vrchný veliteľ cadiánskych síl. Pokiaľ major Luka dokáže udržať nepriateľa na uzde do príchodu posíl, môže sa aj trpká prehra zmeniť v sladké víťazstvo. Rady nepriateľov sa približujú, komunikáciu sťažuje piesočné búrky a situácia vyzerá beznádejne.

Teraz už len viera v Cisára a dobrá, poctivá oceľ rozhodnú o tom, či cadiánci udržia svoje línie.

Ako veliteľ Luka sa tak postavíte presile uctievačov chaosu. K dispozícii máte 1 Leman Russ Battle tank, command squadu (predstavujúcu hrdinského veliteľa) a toľko jednotiek Conscriptov koľko sa vám zmestí do 500b., popri už spomenutých jednotkách. Proti vám sa postaví sila chaosu v ľubovoľnom zložení s jediným obmedzením, armáda musí mať 3 jednotky kultistov. K nim so domiešate do 1.000b. listu čo len chcete.

Samozrejme má misia svoje vlastné špeciálne pravidlá, ktoré vedia zmeniť vývoj bitky (pozri v obrázku hore).A keď už vieme všetky podrobnosti stretu, prečo si ho nevychutnať v jednej z mnohých podôb.

Deploy (CH:SM): Rhino s noise mariňákmi (10x, 2x blast masters)), rhino s plague mariňákmi (2x melta, pw fista) a lordom (MoN, pw weapon) , 3x skvada kultistov (2x15, 1x10) z toho jedna je formácia s Hellbrutom (pw fist, heavy flamer, AC). Kontajnery a budovka generátora ohraničujú the long dry sektory na krajoch stolov.
Deploy. Za každou ADL sú 2 skvady po 20 conscriptov. V dvoch líniách. Za Leman Russom je command squada s autocannom, medicom a standardou.
Turn 1 (IG): Takže som si povedal, že s prvými líniami na oboch stranách urobím advance. Takže pohyb a run, run, run order. Jednotky sú na mieste. Jediné čo dostrelilo bol AC z commandy, a tak dávam dole jeden HP zo zelného Rhina (glance). Battle tank potom hitne placku zabije troch kultistov a na pen s ordnence na rhino hodím 1 a 1. Well.
Turn 1 (CH:SM): Tiež advance. Zadné rhino s nosie mariňákmi a dvomi blastermi cieli commandu. 2x hit = mŕtvy AC, standarda aj medic. Žiadny FnP lebo S8 a žiadny save na cover, lebo ignores cover. No čo povedať, mal som to očakávať. Ostal teda commander. Na toho si namieri hellbrute s AC, dáva 2 woundy, idem k zemi na luxusný 2+ cover save a hádžem 3 a 1. Instakill. Zbohom LD9 (už aj bez rerollu ale tak nevadí). A dobrá pozícia sa mení na zúfalstvo. LD5 na 4 unitách nie je nič moc.
Intermezzo. No na boostovanie morálky ostal už len Leman Russ. Bude to stačiť ?
Turn 2 (IG): Plán je jednoduchý, 2 jednotkami to zapchať a udržať ako dlho sa bude dať. Idem dopredu. Lasgunmi popálim pár kultistov. Scripti s BS2 sa celkom vyznamenali. Battle tank ide plackou na rhino s plague mariňákmi, 2 melty v ňom ma strašia a chcem ho zastaviť. Placka ale scatteruje mimo rhino, zabíja pár kultistov a tí utekajú k druhému rhinu.
Turn 2 (CH:SM): Opäť advance. Jednotka pred ADL vľavo dostáva prvé straty na morálku od noise mariňákov (tie hnusné ignores cover blastre). Beriem kocky a hrdinsky hodím LD5. Haha. A potom mi súper oznamuje, že jeho warlord v zelenom rhine má warlord trait, že znižuje LD o 1 unite do 12". Takže LD4 som nehodil. A utekám. O 4". Mohlo to prísť o jeden hod skôr. Situácia je síce zúfala, ale nie beznádejná.
Turn 3 (IG): No čo vám budem hovoriť, treba urobiť nejaké killings, kým mi neujde armáda zo stola. Bežiacu unitu nezastavím, ale uteká len asi 5". Takže vľavo advance a streľľba do kultistov. Pár mŕtvol. Battle tank tentoraz trafí rhino, dá pen a stunned (takže jedno kolo postojí). V procese zabije aj pár kultistov. Utekajúci conscripti popália pár kultistov pri rhine. Spoza ADL sa ozýva sporadická streľba, ale bez výsledku.
Turn 3 (CH:SM): Podhodená jednotka naľavo vpredu dostane straty na morálku, samo nehodím LD4 a utekám. Chargnú ju pri tom kulitsti (na 10") a hádžem LD. Hádajte koľko ? No rozhodne nie 4 a tak je jednotka zožratá bez toho aby si udrela. Zvyšok jednotiek dostáva nejaké tie woundy, ale nikde to nie je na morálku. Na šťastie.
Turn 4 (IG): Utekajúca unita v strede sa nezastavuje. A uteká ... 3". Kurnik nejako by sa tie hody mohli otočiť. Všetko páli do jednotky kultistov čo zožrala utekajúcich konscriptov. A ako vidíte, kultisti tam nie sú. Good job. Ešte mi ostanú nejaké lasguny na spálenie kultisov čo tvoria doprovod pre Hellbruta. Battle tank sa potom hecne, hitne, dávam dole posledný HP glancom. A do tváre mi vypadne 9 plague mariňákov s lordom. No ak budeme hrať do 5 kola tak by som to mohol dať.
Turn 4 (CH:SM): Všetko sa priblíži. Plague mariňáci strieľajú na scriptov pred lemanom. Nedajú ale dosť woundov na morálku. Chýba jeden aby sa tak stalo. Uff. A potom blast masters od noise mariňákov. Prvá placka, scatter 12" = mŕtvy plague mariňák. Druhá placka, scatter 10", hituje jedného gardistu a na wound = 1. Muhahaha. Na druhej strane 2 laspistole zabijú 2 gardistov. Cez 4+ cover. Na morálku chýba jeden kus. A potom dá hellbrute 2 woundy z AC, a ja hodím 5 a 5. Druhý krát uff. Tak scripti ešte postoja na stole.
Turn 5 (IG): Utekajúca jednotka sa nezastaví a ujde zo stola. Obe uvyšné jednotky sú GtG/pinned. Takže nejaká snap shot streľba = 2 mŕtvy kultisti. Mariňákom sa nič nestalo. A tak príde rad na Leman. Plague mariňákov nedám, cover a Fnp je silné kombo. Master plán prichádza. Trafiť hellbruta, imobilizovať ho aby nedochargoval. Ostane mi jedna jednotka a vyhrám. Well. Leman Russ strieľa, hitne a na pen ... S8 proti AV12 dvomi kockami ... 1 a 1. Fcplm až to plaslo. Situácia sas začína meniť na zúfalú.
Intermezzo. Prichádzajú. OME (Oh my Emperor). Čo spravíme ?
Turn 5 (CH:SM): Dlhý príbeh v krátkosti. Hellbrute zožerie v cc jednu skvadu scriptov. Boltre od plague mariňákov sa postarajú o druhú unitu, ktorá nedá morálku a ujde zo stola. A tak tam ostal Leman. Sám. Opustený. Ak sa nebude hrať ďalšie kolo, tak vyhrám. Súper berie kocku ... a ... hádže ... 3.
Turn 6 (IG): Niet čo moc riešiť. Idem ešte zabiť pár mariňákov. Dám sa tak aby súper nemal žiadny cover na tú AP3 blastu. Jemný scatter, 4 hitnutý, 3 woundy. Súper hádže FnP na troch kockách a ... 5, 5 a 6. Fcplm druhý krát.
Turn 6 (CH:SM): Wysiwyg. Ani leman nedá 2 melty v melta range. Game over. VICTORY FOR LOST AND DAMNED.

Pár slov na záver: Nebola to zlá hra. Až na prvú a najväčšiu chybu (nedať ccs mimo LoS). Myslím, že ak by mi tam ostal commader, ktorý dával celej armáde LD9 (s rerollom za vlajku), bol by som to ustál celkom v pohode. Scripti by boli možno vydržali aj cc, a zdržali súperove jednotky tak aby leman / commander prežil (niekde mimo LoS). Napriek tomu som sa výborne zabavil a súperovi gratulujem. Do odvety.

Myslím, že ako ukážková varianta hry to dopadlo celkom dobre. O výsledku rozhodol posledný hod hry, čo je celkom fajn. Výsledok sa prelieval zo strany na stranu každé kolo a bolo to napínavé až do konca. Síce sa major Luka nevyznamenal umiestnením svojej jednotky, ale jeho rýchly odchod z hry aspoň motivoval zvyšok armády k nadľudskému výkonu.

Samozrejme sa oba listy dajú spraviť odlišnejšie, čo sa gardy týka, napr. dať commande chiméru za cenu jednej jednotky scriptov a zvýšiť jej odolnosť a napr. dosah vlajky pre morálku. Špeciálnu muniíciu do Vanquishra som ani neskúšal, lebo tá BS3 je fakt málo a tá ordnance placka by mala na armour stačiť (teda pokiaľ hádžete trochu lepšie ako ja). Plus teda dá sa hrať aj konzervatívnejšie a ležať za ADL s 2+ coverom a ordrovať get back in the fight. 

Rovnako sa dá zmeniť aj list pre chaos. Najsilnejšia jednotka, čo by vedela celkom zvrátiť výsledok boja mi prijde Helldrake, prípadne dva kusy. Ale to by už asi nebola tá pravá zábava. Rovnako pár obliterátorov z deep striku by nebol od veci. Mne by sa napríklad páčili rhiná plné mariňákov, skákajúci raptory a za nimi utekajúci kultisti. 

Každopádne plánujem sa k tomuto formátu vrátiť a zahrať si ho znova. A dúfam, že na jeho zahranie som presvedčil aj niekoho z vás.  

Ďakujem za pozornosť a vopred aj za všetky formy ohodnotenia (google pluská, hofy pluská, like-y).

+++ Alessan +++