streda 31. januára 2018

WZR: Imperial vs. Bauhaus (500 pts.)

Strongpoint #742.496. He was here 13 years ago. When the forces of Imperial corporation has retaken it from Bauhaus. And since that time they had hold the old stronghold. Till yesterday. Contact was lost. Rescue team has disappeared. Code Red was declared. 

Dark Reaper stood silent and observed his surroundings. A jungle was quiet. Not a good sign. Definitely not a good sign. But it wasn't that what distressed him most. The main doors were wide open. He could see that from his vantage point. Damn it. 

Memories of this place had returned. Full of blood and suffering. Faces of the lost comrades had reappeared. He clenched his left fist. His claws immediately reacted to the movement. He sensed something on his right side. Tremors. A jungle was so thick that he had no chance to see anything. Suddenly shapes appeared in the near undergrowth. He leveled up the barrel of his gun but he was too slow . 

A trap was triggered. And Imperials were the prey.

So second game. I am still waaiting for my new minies (and don´t want another till I will paint my 500 pts list), so our lists are pretty same as in the previous game. No major changes. Mission 2: Receonnaissance. And I am little bit afraid. It will be hard to control 3 table zones with only 14 models. But we will see.

MoW list: MacGuire, 5x Imperial Special Forces (IR googles, infiltrate), 5x Blood Berets (shooty), 3x Golden Lions. 

Bauhaus list: Venusian Kapitan, 10x Hussars (1x MG-40 LMG, sharpshhoter), 5x Venusian Rangers (camo cloaks, 2x rockets), 3x Armoured Hussar Juggernaut.

Bauhaus oponent won the initiative and deployed Hussars with Kaptin and Juggernauts in his deployment zone. Rangers will be stalking. Unit of ISF is my only regular deployed unit. Then I infiltrated Blood Berets and Tommy near the stalk markers (rangers) and deployed 3 stalk markers as my Golden Lions.

Turn 1: Rangers are revealed. They have delivered their deadly payload and 3 blood berets have been taking out of action. I counter-charged them with Macguire and remaining Berets, killing only 2 in progress. Rest of our armies have only moved, my lions are holding close to Juggernauts. They are waiting for a good opportunity to strike. 

Turn 2: Initiative was mine and I seized it. Venusian rangers were torn apart and nothing stood in Timothy´s way to the center line of the table. Blood Berets were following him, but one was lost to lucky shot from a hidden Hussar. ISF are ready to action in next turn. There is one of two remaining stalk markers (golden lions). 

Turn 3: Golden Lions are revealed by a bold Juggernaut. His boldness was rewarded by a quick death. ISF are moving to better position behind the crates. MacGuire is trying to kill Hussars on my right flank, but he is not sucessful at all. Then my scouting lion survived a hailstorm of fire and lost only one wound.

Turn 4: I won ini again. It is time to send remaining Juggernauts to their graves. But ... I managed to put 4 wounds from 5 attacks on the first one and he just saved them all. Then I hit the second one 5 times and he received just one wound. Incredible save rolls made by my oponent. I am sure this was the breaking point of the game. ISF popped up from their cover, but Juggernauts armour was too thick. Timothy´s grenade launcher killed only 2 Hussars. And then he was shot to death. So far nothing was lost. If I could win ini and finish the Juggernauts ...

Turn 5: ... but I didn´t. One lion is crushed. Second one survived with last wound. And fought back. Surprised Juggernaut was hit four times. But lost only one wound. Both of them (lion and juggernaut) were killed by Hussar´s fire to close combat. To make it worse, lucky bullet had found my last blood beret. With onyly 3 models on the table I surrender.

Final score - 15:0 for Bauhaus.
(+10 for primary mission and +5 for body counts).

What a great game. My hammer and anvil tactic worked. I surrounded my opponents army. Then my hammer simply broke in the worst imaginable way. But never mind. The revenge will be mine.

piatok 26. januára 2018

WZR: Imperial vs. Bauhaus (500 pts.)

Warzone: Resurrection

Jarxi was upset. This mission is folly. They are here to fight and kill. Not to take care of some lost Wolfbanes. But order was clear. Find and bring back. Information gathered from wolfbanes´ survivors can change a tide of the battle. So Imperial corporation could not ignore them. 

But their superiors were not here, in this hellish jungle. Almost 90% moisture, an insects with a size of a man fist, a dense vegetation. And for what ? He slashed with his claws to clear a path and looked around. On the left flank, the squad of special forces was advancing. Harvesters were close too. He cannot see them through undergrowth but he sense them. There was no signs of blod berets´ presence. 

Suddenly his comm indicates incoming message. "We have a visual contact, sir." "Alright guys, let's make it quick." Jarxi responded. Sudden gunshot assured him it will be not quick nor easy.

We decided to go as simple as we can for our first game. To try a mechanics and its basic rules. 500 pts. armies and just primary mission, in this case number 9: Human resources. And we also decided to use only regular and pre-emptive strike deployment.  

MoW list: MacGuire, 5x Imperial Special Forces (IR googles, infiltrate), 5x Blood Berets (shooty), 3x Golden Lions.

Bauhaus list: Venusian Kapitan, 10x Hussars (2x MG-40 LMG, sharpshhoter), 5x Venusian Rangers (camo cloaks), 3x Armoured Hussar Juggernaut.

Bauhaus won initial ini roll and deployed Hussars with kapitan on a high ground on his right flank, rangers in the middle and Juggernauts on his left flank. I decided to put blood berets to the centre of table, with ISF on left flank and golden lions on the right. Macguire was between berets and lions to provide his fog buff to both units.

Turn 1: We mostly advanced to the centre of the table. The only one shooting model, MacGuire, killed 2 rangers.

Turn 2: Juggernauts tried to kill some blood berets, but  their shooting was innacurate and my armour impenetrable. Ont he other hand, my shooting wasnt better. I moved berets and isf close to the civilians so they will grab them in next turn. Lions were getting to position to make it to close combat with Juggernauts.

Turn 3: Before I could activate the fog ability, Hussars and Rangers managed to kill 4 of my berets (the last one took a civilian and retreated). Lions slaughtered Juggernauts in return (and it was an epic moment of the game). ISF managed to grab both civilians and started their return to deployment zone taking some casualties in progress.


Turn 4: Another moment of the game. Venusian kapitan tried to eliminate my ISF escorting civilians with his grenade launcher. But grenade missed and explosion killed not only my 2 remaining ISF members, but also both civilians.
I wont be able to escort remaining civilians with Lions and MaGuire so I decided to move them forward to provide distraction for enemies units. 
One lion was lost so far.

Turn 5: I finally win the ini roll and remaining Lions finished venusian rangers hiding in the jungle. Another lion was killed in firestorm of bullets. In the last act of defiance, macguire tried to kill Venusian kapitan in close combat, but enemy leader survived with the last wound. Only one civilian was saved by sole survivor of blood berets.

Thanks to the informations from Wolfbane soldier the conflict was ended in few weeks. Crushing victory was achieved for Imperial corporation. Because of rigid administrative structure a short message was delivered to Wolfbane HQ after few months. "Rescue mission failed. No survivors."

And the game ends.
Final score - 15:0 for Imperials 
(+10 for primary misiion and +5 for body counts).

It was realy good game. I like the mechanics and rules, changing activations are awesome. Looking forward to nex games (with more missions, deployment options and advanced card deck).
And sorry for blurry photos. 

+++ Alessan +++

piatok 19. januára 2018

Stehmahr Campaign - Part 01

+++ The Journey +++

Loď prechádzala warpom bez komplikácií. Skonštruovaná pred miléniami, stále spoľahlivo slúžila kapitule. Prvý kapitán Torux nemal žiadne pochybnosti o tom, že ich dopraví na miesto určenia včas a v poriadku. Warpové prúdy boli v tejto oblasti pokojné, ubezpečil ho niekoľkokrát navigátor lode. 

Stehmahr III. Planéta na okraji Impéria. Neveľká, ale nie bezvýznamná. Šifrovaná správa dorazila pred niekoľkými týždňami. Správa o nepokojoch, o neodvádzaní imperiálnych poplatkov, o silnejúcom napätí medzi vládnúcimi vrstvami. Rozruch však nevyvolala správa sama. O ten sa postaral šifrovaný odkaz v nej. Knihovníkom trvalo niekoľko dní, kým našli relevantné spojenie v historických záznamoch. A potvrdili silnejúce obavy. Kapitula bude musieť dodržať starodávnu prísahu, takmer zabudnutú v čase.

Pod zámienkou akcie proti oficiálnej hrozbe vyslala kapitula celú 3. kompániu, vedenú prvým kapitánom Toruxom a ním vybranými dôstojníkmi. 

First Captain Torux
Zo zamyslenia ho vytrhol úder špičky zbrane o kovovú podlahu. Zvykol si, že toto je spôsob akým šampión kapituly Prax oznamoval záujem prehovoriť. Už tak extrémne mĺkvy bojovník rozprával veľmi sporadicky. Na misiu sa šampión prihlásil dobrovoľne, pravdepodobne potom ako bola potvrdená prítomnosť Eldarov v regióne. Jeho nenávisť k cudzej rase bola bezhraničná. Prvý kapitán si spomenul na Praxovu službu v jednotkách Deathwatch aj na slávnostný návrat z nej. Zakrátko potom zachránil hrdinským činom Vrchného knihovníka, keď v osobnom súboji zabil tyranidského swarmlorda. Aj za cenu straty nohy a ruky. V kapitule s tak nízkym počtom psykerov sa tento čin rátal ako záchrana samotného majstra kapituly. Umenie vládnutia mečom, v ktorom vynikal, mu tak zabezpečilo jeho povýšenie na šampióna kapituly. 

Chapter Champion Prax
Torux kývnutím hlavy naznačil, že má Prax jeho plnú pozornosť. "Celá kompánia ? Dvaja ctihodní ?" Prví kapitán vedel čo tým myslí, a opäť ho prekvapila bystrosť, ktorá sa skrývala za šampiónovým surovým výzorom. Do warpu vstúpili pred pár hodinami a preto ešte nemal čas informovať úzky okruh svojich bratov o ich skutočnej misii. "Kapitula má svoje dôvody, pre ktoré smerujeme na Stehmahr." odpovedal po chvíľke mlčania Torux. "Aj pre takú značnú silu, ktorá nás sprevádza." 

Za miesto stretnutia si vybral jednu z mála knižníc na lodi. Počas svojho príhovoru sledoval tváre všetkých prítomných. Prekvapenie striedal hnev, ktorý prechádzal do súhlasného prikyvovania. Jedným z nich bol aj kapitán 3. kompánie - Reixar Sirix - jeden z mnohých, ktorí posilnili rady prastarej, dych strácajúcej kapituly na príkaz samotného Robouta Guillimana. Zatiaľ čo väčšina kapitúl prijala svojich nových bratov s pochybnosťami a podozrením, synovia primarcha Coraxa prejavili otvorenejší prístup. Čierna stráž, bojujúca v posledných storočiach v sile necelých piatich kompánii, bola v priebehu niekoľkých mesiacov posilnená na maximálnu možnú mieru. 

"Takže táto Gilda..." rekapituloval Reixar, teraz už len v prítomnosti prvého kapitána," dôvodom našej cesty ? Nie nepokoje, oneskorené platby, ani prítomnosť heretikov. Gilda a starobylá prísaha z čias, keď náš genetický otec ešte kráčal medzi hviezdami ?" Torux prikývol. O tom, prečo samotný Corax túto prísahu zložil, vedel len Majster Kapituly, Vrchný knihovník a Prvý kapitán. A nebol dôvod na tom nič meniť. 

Na palube viezli 2 členov kapituly, ktorí boli osobne po boku primarcha v časoch po Veľkom Kacírstve. V prípade núdze ich prebudia, aby konfrontovali tvrdenia Gildy. Aby kapitula splnila prísahu svojho otca a získala to, čo ostalo skryté pod povrchom planéty a malo tam ostať navždy uzamknnuté.

+++ Alessan +++