streda 27. decembra 2017

WZR: The Black Reaper

Warzone: Resurrection

Lt.Colonel Timothy McGuire - "The Black Reaper"

Each Clan has its own legends. Almost mythical persons, the examples who motivate all, civilians and soldiers alike. And Clan Korven is not an exception. In long clan history, no one achieves more than The Black Reaper. Jarxi Berxt, one of the longest serving officers. A living legend.

His life story has filled many books, story of a loyal service and a self sacrifice. The Reaper´s duty lasts for more than 7 decades, and no one expects his demise in the near future. 

The Black Reaper

It was his brilliant planning that holds at bay the vast army of Bauhaus at Grilden Point. Outnumbered nearly one to ten, Imperial force managed to defend its positions for eleven days till the reinforcements had arrived. Knee-deep in a corpses, The Black Reaper was shouting orders, swinging his claws and killing enemy soldiers in a dozens.

In a Dirian´s Valley, he set up an ambush that has costed Cybertronic Corporation 300 soldiers and almost 25 vehicles. There were no cybertronic survivors and this mission was erased from cybertronic records. 

In a clan´s rigorous regulations, there is one that no-one can break. It is strictly prohibited to use a black colour on any kind of armour. It is unknown why it is like that, but this particular restriction is thoroughly kept amongst the soldiers of Clan Korven. In a long military history exists only one exception. The Black Reaper. It is rumoured that this privilege was granted to Berxt by Her Serenity herself. 

In the end, Jarxi is the only one of non-ruling members of Clan Korven to whom was granted an audience with the monarch. 

+++ Alessan +++

pondelok 25. decembra 2017

WZR: Blood Berets

Warzone: Resurrection

Blood Berets - "The Last Sentinels"

Before first Venusian crusade, elders of Clan Korven have decided to form an elite group of warriors to protect whole clan from a dangers of their new found enemy - Dark Legion. 

The Last Sentinels
At first, groups of Blood Berets were formed to fight an endless minions of Dark Legion. Best clan soldiers filled their ranks and fought against terrors from a deep space. It was an idea of Krixus XII., to form a special group from a sole survivors of Blood Beret´s teams. This particular individuals always had difficulties to bond with their new squad members.

So the Edict Sentinelum was declared. Each "solitaire" (the last survivor of each blood beret´s squad) will join the ranks of The Last Sentinels. Together they will form elite formation of fighters to protect the highest priorities of the Clan against Dark Legion. 

United in hatred against enemy who killed all their previous brothers-in-arms, they form invaluable and potent last line of defence for the Clan. Highly specialized and highly dangerous. The strongest individuals, born survivors, trained killers. They cannot be stopped, because they don't know failure. 

Only the ruling head of the Clan know the exact numbers of The Sentinels. Their strength is changing during the centuries, from few dozens to several thousands. 

Motto: Victory or death !!!  (.. and victory achieved by any means necessary).

+++ Alessan +++

pondelok 11. decembra 2017

Turnaj "náhodných" dvojíc (W40k)

V sobotu sme si po dlhšej dobe spravili v MadMaxone (po menších kill-teamoch) trochu väčší turnaj. Aby sa do veľkosťou obmedzených priestorov (4 stoly) vošlo čo najviac hráčov, zvolil som netradičnejší formát. Náhodné dvojice. Takto sa na 3 stoloch mohlo naraz vyhrať až 12 junákov, čo sa ukázalo ako správne rozhodnutie.

Kapacita (16ks) sa nakoniec ustálila na konečnom počte 12 hráčov Každý si mohol doniesť armádau na 750b v nasledovnom detachmente: 1HQ, 2 Troops, 0-1 Elites, 0-1 Fast Attack, 0-1 Heavy Support a 0-1 Transport. Až na pár výnimiek listy zodpovedali "priateľskej atmosfére" (a po priateľskom dohovore aj tie výnimky) a mohlo sa začať hrať. Keďže sme od Maxonu dostali aj ceny, na poslednú chvíľu bolo treba vymyslieť aj bodovanie pre prípadných víťazov.

Hrali sa 3 kolá, pred každým kolom sa náhodne vylosovali dvojice, ktoré proti sebe stáli. Každé kolo sa hrala iná misia (objektivy, kartičky a open war), aby bola tá rôznorodosť a aby si hráči zahrali na všetky možné spôsoby.

Prvá hra - Big Guns Never Tired (4 objektivy) s nasledovným deployom. Nahraté body sa sčítali a rozdelili medzi hráčov teamu (deleno dva a zaokrúhlene hore), plus každý hráč, ktorý svojou jednotkou držal na konci hry objektiv, dostal za každý +1bod.

Druhý hra - Contact Lost, teda kartičky do 6 ks na ruke, ťahala sa za každý držaný objektiv na začiatku kola. Body sa opäť na konci hry delili, plus každý hráč dostal +1bod za každú kartu, ktorú zahrala v hre jeho jednotka.

Tretia hra bola potom The Comet s open play kartičiek. Na začiatku 3. kola si dali strany roll-of a víťaz podľa hodu D6 umiestnil jediný objektiv. Ten hráč, ktorý mal na konci hry pri tomto objektive najviac modelov získal 3body (k bodom za misiu pre tým). Navyše v hre boli dva twisty - jednotky nehádzali morálku po stratách a na začiatku svojho kola si každý hráč hodil 3D6 a na 6tku mohol alokovať D3 mortal woundov do ľubovoľnej jednotky súpera (vždy iba do jednej) alebo 1 mortal wound do charaktera.

Každá armáda mala 5CP (3 základ +1 za každú armádu). V jednom kole sa mohli na stratagemy použiť maximálne 2CP, teda buď 1x1 alebo 1x2 CP stratagem, čo bolo celkom dobré rozhodnutie a zabránilo to nabaľovaniu efektov čím by sa niektoré komba preplatili.

A mohlo sa začať hrať. Fotky z hier som akosi nepostíhal, takže sa môžete pokochať akurát hernou atmosférou a show casami jednotlivých armád. Enjoy.

Jednotlivé párovanie nakoniec nebolo až také strašné (až na 1 hru 2 Necronov proti 2 Dark Eldarom, za čo sa ospravedlňujem), zúčastnení sa dobre bavili a tento formát s misiami sa celkovo osvedčil. Takže možno po novom roku si tento úspešný čurbes zopakujeme.

Na záver ešte teda víťazov. Na prvom mieste sa s počtom bodov 16 umiestnili 3 hráči. Nakoľko však Viktor kvôli dlhšej ceste ušiel pred finalizáciou výsledkov, ceny sa napokon rozdelili Ondrej s Consecratormi (Dark Angels), ktorý si ukoristil Johna Wika a Michal s Chaos Marínou, ktorému sa ušla medovina.

Ďakujem všetkým zúčastneným hráčom, nehráčom, ktorí sa zastavili na čumendu alebo sa prišli po dlhej dobe ukázať (čo som bol vlastne aj ja) MadMaxonu za vecné dary a priestory a sebe, že som to fyzicky zvládol (a to som ešte 3,5 hodiny kontroloval listy na pražský polokompet turnaj). Well, deň plný warhammeru ako sa patrí. 

Do skorého stretnutia na ďalšom turnaji, hádam koncom januára/začiatkom debruára (aj s ohľadom na pripravovanú maľovaciu/hraciu narratívnu kampaň z pera Ondreja S.)

Emperor protects !!!

+++ Alessan +++

sobota 9. decembra 2017

WZR: Golden Lions

Warzone: Resurrection
Golden Lions - "Harvesters of Souls"

Each one of Harvesters is a living legend amongst the clan members. This unit, according to clan chronicles, is serving 500 years in a row, without being completely wiped out during  a single mission. Its members are hard as nails, born to survive any danger a galaxy can throw at them. But this attitude have cost them dearly. It is rumored that to join this elite band of warriors, you have to kill your own family members. 

And despite this, they are one of the most precious assets Clan Korven possesed. Without regrets, without remorse and without limits, they are able to accomplish any mission given to them by their superiors. If even a fraction of their deeds should be known to other Corporations, Clan Korven would except only one thing. The Obliteration.

Harvesters are nightmares made flesh. Ruthless warriors without morals. Always hungry for the kill. To see them in a heat of the battle, it is like an art of a carnage. Until their gaze fell upon you. Black hollow eyes will be the last thing you will see. The screaming of their nicknames, the last words you will hear. The Pain, The Terror and The Doom.

Reixar "The Pain"
Atrix "The Terror"
Kotrux "The Doom"

When children are bad and not obeying, parents use the old rhymes to scare them:

"They always come in a windy rain,
first of them is called THE PAIN.
Hope you wont make any error,
the next who is comming is THE TERROR.
Meeting them you will regret soon,
tha last to come is THE DOOM."

+++ Alessan +++