pondelok 11. júna 2018

WZR: Imperial vs. Bauhaus (1.000 pts.)

Warzone: Resurrection

The citadel was abandoned. Maybe purged was more appropriate word. He was here with his men, no more then few weeks ago. The battle was fierce. A lot of good men laid down their lives in the cleansing of this nest. The black circles were the last remains of their previous presence in this place. Fortunately an awfull stench was gone.

"Make haste, it must be somewhere in the pyres. Find it." Small groups were dispatched to search what was lost during the battle. The high commander wanted it so badly, he had sent a full invasion group to fullfil this task.

A Grey Ghosts unit was hidden in the upper floor. It was a standard procedure in a hostile territory. Signal from the squad leader was clear enough. "Movement. Targets. Enemy."

Imperial list: McBride, Alfreds, McGuire, 5x Blood Berrets, 5x Blood Berrets with swords, 8x ISF w/2x mastiff (IR Googles), 3x Grey Ghosts, 3x Golden Lions, 3x Barracudas.

Bauhaus list: 2x Kapitan, Marbach, 10x hussars, 7x hussats, 2x5 venusian rangers (missile launcher), 1x5 blitzers, 3x Juggernauts. 

We have rolled Mission 5: Resource Gathering. 


There is no straight line of sight to eneny´s units so I simly move forward with berets. They are guarding 3 of 4 nodes which my opponent must achieve. Grey Ghosts took higher ground and are waiting for some good targets.

Barracudas made daring descent and took one node, killing some blitzers in progress. Just as planned. In response they are wiped out by enemies gunfire.

I also moved my ISF in position to grab another 2 nodes in my next turn. If I win the initiative it would be a superb. But ... I lost the roll.


And first activation goes to Juggernauts. This will be very painful for my ISF. Why ? Because I forgot they had flamers. When the shooting is over, two soldiers and one mastiff is what is left of my ISF unit. But I made LD test and they are able to grab two nodes. Last node is too far and I really have no chance to get there.

Because right flank is doomed I am moving McGuire to the centre of the table to support rest of my army. Grey Ghosts are making their jobs and 3 blitzers were took out of action.


Berets are advancing forward to make some pressure on a unit of Hussars. But ... I missed a stalk token hidden in the trees. And suddenly there is unit of Rangers right in front of my berets. Long story short, four of them are killed. The last one is so frustrated he cannot kill a ranger in a close combat. McGuire and Ghosts killed 4 rangers in return, but damage to my force was done.

Hussars are coming closer to the remains of my ISF. Only the one behind the citadel survived.

Then one of the juggernauts made a dare move. He advanced toward my stalk token and he revealed my lions. One is shot. Another two avenge their brother in arms and bold Juggernaut is torn apart.


I lost last two berets. Ghosts are cleaning left flank. Issac charged remaining ranger and missed 3 of 4 attacks. One that hit is saved. McBride is trying to kill kapitan but he lost only 2 wounds.

Another unit of rangers came from stalk and is trying to reach node in the tower. Lion with McGuire killed one juggernaut. The second one survived the charge.


Kapitan took one node. Ghosts are shot down by rangers, who took another node. Issac shows his skill with sword and took the kapitan out of action.

I am trying to kill so many hussars as possible but for MacGuire and last Lion it is more than heroic performance. In last activation two hussars took last wound from McBride.


Imperial 5 (primary won with 3 imperial nodes collected against 2 of bauhaus) : Bauhaus 5 (5 MP for body count, I ended with 3 models and 240 pts., my opponent with 12 models and 269 pts.)

It was really close game. Killing McBride with 2 last shots earned my opponent 5MP. And game ended in a draw. After turn 3, when I have lost most of my berets, I was little bit shaken. But I managed to block 2 nodes from bauhaus reach till turn 5. That won me the primary mission. 

I am looking forward my next game. Maybe I will try more ISF units, but i am still not convinced. And I still have two Hurricane Walkers to build and paint. 

Thanks for reading.

+++ Alessan +++

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