štvrtok 29. júna 2017

Astra Militarum vs. Dark Eldars (1.850 pts.) [ENG]

Dark Heritage

Comissar´s Gratzin mood was dark. Dark Eldars. His nemessis. Even the harsh training techniques of Schola Progenium abbots and an unending doses of dirus could not clear his memories. He was the sole survivor of Krix. 

The hive city was situated on the moon of Stygii III. Some 20 years ago, Krix was attacked by an eldar raiding party. Attack took no more then seventeen hours. When the local fleet arrived, all inhabitants of the hive were killed or nowhere to be found. After seven days of searching, a child was discovered. Hidden. In a secret chamber. A boy. 12 years old. Terran standard. He was in a shock, unable to answer any questions. So he was sent to Schola Progenium. To train. To survive. To serve.

After 20 years, he is not a frightened boy anymore. He is wearing a long leather coat, black uniform with red and gold trim and an aquilla emblazoned peaked cap. Now in this place he is going to wash away a nearly 2 decades old injustice. With xenos blood. 

An old saying formed in his head: "Do not ask, why kill the alien ? Rather ask, why not ?." With the barking pistol in his hand and glowing sword in other one, he charged into the fight.

Army (IG): 2x Tempestor Prime, 4x5 scions w/2plasmam, 1 serg. w/plasma pistol, 2x compcomm, Creed, 3x IS w/AC, 2x30 scripts, 3x commissar, 2x platcomm, 4x Bullgryns (gg/slab), 1x scout sentinel, 2x10 rough riders, 2x3 hwt w/LC, 2x Wyvern, 1x Manticore
Army (DE): Archon, 9x Incubi in Raider with shock prow, Succubus, 9x Hekatrix Bloodbrides in Raider with Shock prow, 10x Wytches in Raider with shock prow, 2x5 Kabalites in Venoms, 1x Void Bombers, 7x Mandrakes, 2x Ravager 
Game is Relic with dawn of war deployment. Thanks to my 29 units I am going second. I try to steal ini, rolled a 5 and then reroll for CP and ... 6. For the Emperor !!!
Turn 1 (AM): With precise drop of Scions and take aim order I managed to destroy 1 ravager in the ruin (I think last wounds were taken by Manticore) and Raider with Bloodbrides. Scripts with bullgryns advanced to midfield. On flanks I deployed Rough Riders.
Turn 1 (AM): Sentinel shot at venom, but missed. Bloodbrides are decimated with Wyvern. Then I managed to put few wounds on a raider in the front with autocannons. 
Turn 1 (DE): Archon with Incubies disembarked. Units of scions are reduced by fire from venoms, wytchies and raiders. Concetrared fire from void bomber and remaining Ravager almost destroyed Wyvern. It survived with last wound. Mandrakes showed up and killed 3 scions on the other side of the table. 
Turn 1 (DE): Lucky shot from Dark lance took out 1 bullgryn. Surviving Scions are charged by incubies and only serg. w/plasma pistol survived.
Turn 2 (AM): FRFSRF is ordered to consripts. Incubies died. Next to die was a Raider. Dismebarked wythies are charged by the Bullgryns and Rough Raiders. I killed 2 or 3 of them and lost 1 bull and 5 riders. Auuu. That hurt. 
Turn 2 (AM): Scions fell back from combat with Succubus. I tried to destroy Venom with LC but my rolls were so poor. So I charged it with Sentinel. It is not on the picture, but the second unit of Rough Riders is locked in cc with the mandrakes.
Turn 2 (DE): Ravager cripled second wyvern with 3 hits/3 wounds/10 pts of damage. Manticore survived with last wound after shooting from Void bomber (first bombing, then lancing). Succubus killed Tempestor Prime and Scion sgt. Venom disingaged itself from cc and wiped out lc hwt on the top of the ruin. Rough Riders were slaughtered by Archon and Wytches. 
Turn 3 (AM): Bullgryns fell back. Wytchies are then killed by IS´s lasguns. First Venom fell to accurate ACs. Archon with 2++ is killed by scrits. It took me some 70 shots and 13 wounds to bypass the shadowshield. Sentinel charged Succubus and died. Surprise. Last mandrake is locked in combat with rough riders.
Turn 3 (DE): Manticore, hwt and 1 bullgryn are lost. Kabalites shot at closer unit of Concripts and killed a lot of them.
Forward !!! For The Emperor !!! - Commissar Gratzin, 989.M41, colorized
Turn 4 (AM): I advanced to hold the relic. In process I wiped out squad of Kabalites in a ruin. ACs tried to shot down remaining venom, but with -1 to bs I missed all the shots.
Turn 4 (DE): We agreed with my oponent that his chance to take the relic are very low. So the game ends with the major victory for AM.  

+++ Alessan +++

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