sobota 10. apríla 2021

K47: Great Britain vs. Soviet Union (1.250 pts.)

After a long time I had a chance to play a game of Konflikt 47. So I have grabed the opportunity, prepared an army for 1.250 pts. and looked forward to an extraordinary experience to play against Greg and his Soviet union force. 

I brought this list: First lieutenant +2 vets, a regular forward observer, 2 SAS vet Section (2lmgs), War dogs (6pcs +2 handlers), 3 Automatas with mmg, vet anti-tank rifle team, tesla artilery, vet bren carrier, vet greyhound and vet T-Cromwell. 

The Soviet force consisted of: a regular First lieutenant +1 soldier, an inexperienced Commissar +1 soldier, a regular Artillery Forward Observer, a free inexperienced Rifle squad (11 men), a Heavy Infantry squad (6 men – 4 with dual weapon packs), a Siberian Terror squad (6 men – 2 with Panzerfausts), an Ursus squad (3 bears), a regular Sniper team, a regular Anti-tank rifle team, a regular Truck with an MMG, a regular Cossack light walker and a regular Mastadon heavy walker with a dozer blade.

We played the Scenario 4: Hold Until Relieved with the Soviet Union as defender. The objective was the courtyard of a manufacturing complex in the middle, where Greg set up his heavy infantry and Cossack walker.

I deployed all my infantry on the table (18" from enemy units), while the Tesla cannon and the vehicles were left in reserve. 

My goal was to kill the heavy infantry unit and the Cossack as soon as possible, before the rest of the Soviet army would arrive and manage to support them and take control of the courtyard. 

So I moved my units in to positions behind walls to protect them from incoming fire. A few shots were exchanged between the automatons and heavy infantry but not damage was suffered on either sides. The Cossack moved forward to harass my infantry and killed one of the handlers in the war dogs unit. 

In turn 2, I was lucky and got 2 dice in a row so I brought in the Cromwell and Greyhound from reserves. They focused all their fire on the Cossack but only managed to immobilize it. This was compensation for my miscalculated artillery barrage at the beginning of the turn (I rolled a 1 and 4 of my units suffered 2 or more pins after my opponent moved the marker placed by my artillery observer). The Bren failed its rolls for two consecutive turns so both it and the Tesla cannon it was towing stayed in reserves. 

One SAS unit killed 3 heavy infantry members at point blank range. The other unit slaughtered most of the Soviet inexperienced squad in a hail of gunfire, which resulted in the Russians getting upgraded to regular (lucky roll on the Green rule).

The Soviet’s reserves came in and most of them just moved forward (especially the Ursus in their truck and the nimble Siberian Terrors) eager to get to the fighting. The Mastadon appeared too but its shot went wide and missed.

In turn 3, I focused on the Cossack with my Cromwell again and was rewarded by the light walker disappearing in a great ball of flame. The War dogs failed their order test and were stuck behind the wall. Concentrated fire from my SAS managed to kill only one heavy infantry.

The Ursus unit disembarked from the truck in the previous turn and was waiting for a run order. But the Soviet artillery observer had a bad day too (Greg rolled a 1 as well and I moved his artillery marker), the barrage put a lot of pins on the Soviet units which caused a lot of failed order tests.

The Mastadon once again fired at my gnoll SAS and duly missed again. However, all other available fire was directed at them (at the end of the turn they had 7 pins) and they were even charged by the Siberian Terrors! The gnolls proved very resilient however, as they’ve not only survived the attack, but managed to wipe out the Terrors with ease. 

The Bren and the Tesla cannon finally appeared at the start of Turn 4. Then the Ursus charged my non-gnoll SAS unit and killed 5 veterans, but ultimately died in the process.

The Cromwell tried to shoot down the Ursus before their charge but missed. The War dogs rallied successfully.

Then the cannon on the Mastodon boomed ... 

... and my Cromwell exploded where it stopped during its previous movement.

In Turn 5, the Tesla destroyed the lonely Soviet truck and my HQ unit with the survivors of the non-gnoll SAS squad cleared the small plaza between the industrial buildings from the enemy’s remaining forces and secured victory for the Brits.

Leading from the front, my first lieutenant personally secured the mission objective.

As always, it was a fun-packed game with lots of crazy and exciting moments, like the miscalculated artillery strikes and my brutally pinned gnoll-SAS repelling a charge. It’s been more than a year since my last Konflikt game and during battle we often had to look up some half-forgotten rule, but it was so nice to simply just roll dice and get lost in the atmosphere of this truly splendid gentlemanly game. I really hope I’ll get the chance to field my Brits and their funky Rift-tech units again very soon.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it. 

+++ Alessan +++

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