nedeľa 7. novembra 2021

WMR: Skaven vs. Goblin (2.000 pts.) [ENG]

It took me some considerable time to find the time to game with the ,,diminutive" armies, that means playing the Warmaster Revolution. For those that don't know the game, it is a 10 mm size game from the Warhammer universe, representing a battle of enormous armies that are led by their courageous/well, in theory, some leaders lead best from the rear :) /leaders. Units are composed from several stands, each of those representing hundreds of soldiers on the battlefield.

I have chosen the army of Skaven. By its composition, it is more of a horde army, with their main tactic composed of overwhelming the enemy under weight of bodies and slowly dragging them down into their inevitable defeat. Low number of elite units, some warmachines and a score of leaders are its core components. Mine list was as follows:

Skaven, 2000 points
Warmaster Revolution
 320 - 8 Clanrats
 165 - 3 Stormvermin
 210 - 3 Plague Monks
 150 - 6 Rat Swarms
 220 - 2 Rat Ogres
 250 - 2 Doom Wheel
 125 - 1 Screaming Bell
 160 - 1 Grey Seer
        - 1 Orb of Majesty (30)
 290 - 4 Hero
        - 1 Sword of Might (10)
 110 - 2 Warlock
        - 1 Ring of Magic (30)
        - 1 Scroll of Dispelling (20)
2000 - 25/13

A lot of cheap infantry, supported by Doomwheels and elite infantry in the form of Rat ogres, all under the guidance of the magnificent Grey seer and his lackeys, who will try to defeat the army of Gobbos. I am restricted by the reach of my heroe`s orders, which is only 20cm. Gobboz are as well an army, who is not of the elite kind, and rather on the horde side, with support of fast cavalry and chariots, with some complements of large monsters such as Troll and Giants. The enemy went as follows:

Goblin, 2000 points
Warmaster Revolution
 240 - 8 Goblins
 440 - 4 Trolls
 240 - 4 Wolf Riders
 320 - 4 Wolf Chariots
 150 - 1 Giant
 160 - 2 Doom Diver
 180 - 1 Goblin Warboss
        - 1 Crown of Command (100)
 130 - 1 Goblin Hero
        - 1 Wyvern (80)
        - 1 Sword of Fate (5)
 140 - 3 Goblin Shaman
        - 1 Ring of Magic (30)
        - 1 Scroll of Dispelling (20)
2000 - 23/12

The same amount of cheap infantry( squig units are counted as goblin units), with trolls as the main punch, and fast units suitable for flanking the enemy, the wolf riders and wolf chariots in this matter. The main problem of the gobbo army is their terrible leadership, therefore the units more often than not don't reach the area their leaders would like them to.

We are playing the basic mission, kill points, therefore who loses as the first player more then half units, the game ends, we count up the points for destroyed units and the wictor is chosen. The game is a part of an ongoing campaign, to who we joined some guys from the city of Brno, in Czech Rep. /All hail the almighty Ales :) /

The roll for the first turn is won by goblins, and we deploy each of us one unit at a time. I decide to split the army into 2 parts, one led by the general, Grey seer Thanquol (GST for quotes), the second by his trusted lietnauts ( well...). The support will be by two wizards, who will either support my units, or make the enemies life's more miserable. /GST: We have borne-suffered much-much, but all is past-gone! Now there are no more traitor-meat among us! With the blessing of the Horned One, we shall overcome! We shall be victorious! Long-long have I wanted to tell the Horned One that this land belongs to him. The hard-long battle will be difficult. Many-many will sacrifice for the glory of the Horned One! Never will their scent be forgotten! Those who die-fall will be martyrs to skavendom! Rise! Rise from tunnels and kill-slay! Kill-slay all small-green-meat! Kill-kill! Kill-kill!/

Right flank is composed of several units of Clanrats and Rarswarm (they will protect other units from shooting, and then will support them in close combat). Supported by units of Rat Ogres, Plague Monks and doomwheel. 

My enemy is deployed similarly, on his wings he deployes fast units, and in the middle of the table there are units of Trolls, supported by goblins. His support of 3 wizards would be felt indeed, as will the artefact in the hand of the General, crown that helped him pass the orders. /Gobbo General=GG: Allrigh Ladz, me iz da bezt, koz i got Da big hat, so lissen up you lot! we iz goin fer waagh, so smash Da rattiez, we iz gonna eat dem! Trolz in da middle, ladz after dem to push em ta smash stuff, yo fasta lot get in da flankz of dem rattiez and start smashin! An`nobody poke da big `un wiw stikazz, or he iz gonna stomp yer!/

On the hill in the middle the artillery is deployed, who will shoot me from a great range, and I am virtually powerless against it. It will be something of a stick in my ass, because to reach them I will have to go through the toughest stuff from the enemy army. They even get support from the Giant, which is an additional problem to crack, which I don't know how to deal with. /Gobbo General: Ahahah, stoopid rattiez, we iz gonna shoot yer ta piesezz!/

The second part of my army is more in the middle, and will wheel and move according to the needs and what will be required from the flow of the battle. This is more of an elite formation, composed from Rat ogres, three units of Stormvermin and two Plague Monk units. Of course there are some Clanrats and ratswarms and the second Doomwheel, and this one has the Screaming Bell inside it. /GST: Your doom isss comming, ssssmall-green-thingsss/


Goblins move forwards. Thanks to some bonuses on the Leadership, they are successful in their movement forward /GG: we iz da bezt, ahahah!/ A brave tactic, I will not argue against, and the less the distance between us, the sooner we will commence the battle.

The units move in a coherent line forward to capture the position on the trading road, some go quicker, some slower. The cavalry manages to fail its order, so its kinda slower this turn. The giant on the other hand manages a fast pace and sprints forward.

Artillery takes up the good position, and was getting ready to spray some rain on my ratties with some long range shooting, but for the time being i am not in range of their weapons. ( GG: Wat are yo stoopid `unz doin! Start shootin da gits!) The other mass of trolls and goblins are approaching the woods, where they plan to hold their momentum until it will be suitable for a charge or a flanking maneuver. /GST:Come clossser, come sssstupid small-green-things, your end is near./

The cavalry, ordered to move forward, instead decides to start looting some random bystanding villages and spends the time roasting innocent imperial cityzens, instead of coming forward to the battle.

And let's go to my part of the turn. My general orders his part of the army and they are flawlessly moving forward with two successful orders in a row. This is going indeed very well, excellent. /GST: Great successssss, go-go, forward/ I am rather satisfied, because this is probably the first time that something like that happened. The success is magnified by successfully casting a shooting spell at the giant, who is as well wounded, and he is forced to retreat to his lines and is considerably slowed. /GG: why is da Big `un going back, stoopid git, get back smashing rattiez,... Itz coming fer mee, aaarhg!/

Inspired by the success of my general, his loyal /GG: SUre, a loyal rattie!/ subordinate issues an order. The roll shows a 6 and a 6, which is a blunder, and therefore not according to the plan. /GG: Ahaha! Dat ratie is stoopider den da trollz ere. We iz winnin! go fasta and smash em ladz!/ Something went wrong and one unit of rat Swarms receives a debuff of 1 point of leadership on any order issued to them (and as well on any brigade they are part off, so they have to go from it very quickly) /GST: What isss going on ? Why they ssstoped ?/

So, after the initial success comes a cold shower, that halts the plan of the skavens. Thanquol of course knows that some miserable underling has done some betrayal activities, and is trying to undermine his authority. /GST: Madness !!! Madness !!! Who betrayssss me, who ?/ But just to be sure he casts the detect dwarf slayer and manling spell, one can no longer be so sure these days.


Goblins are trying an unfriendly and loathsome flanking maneuver /GG: Koz we iz det sniky and smarta den da ratiez! / around the hill. The fast cavalry after surprisingly passing a LD6 check has no problem with this. Additionally, orders get passed here and there and the goblin army moves in a surprising cooherent formation forward. This is indeed a brave maneuver and not to my liking, and will require some reaction from my part, as well dividing my forcess somewhat. /GST: Prepare for attack, ssset the ambussssh, quick-quick./

In the middle of the table the units of trolls and goblins create an unmovable wall that is slowly descending to me. They are keeping their distance, so that i will not charge them needlessly and by initiative, and i will have to do this by using my heroes orders.  /GG : Yez, we iz gonna stomp yer all ta piesuz! Kom an get to da trolz ya gitz!/ The forest on the other part of the battlefield is sadly lost to another big brigade that is closely watching for my mistake. Unfortunately, the enemy shaman manages to successfully cast the Gerroff spell on this unit Doomwheel, and its crew is forced to retreat due to this spell from their comrades' lines right at the back of the table. /GG: Look Ladz, they iz Already runnin`! We iz winnin! push da trolz forward, go waagh!/

This situation requires action, and in this case to separate the forces and stop the advance of the cavalry. /GST: Go-go. Bite Kill. Ssslay./ After a series of successful orders i manage to charge the first of my lines into the cavalry. Unfortunately, Doomwheel was not able to reach them, but my Rat Ogress supported by Clan rats and 11 extra attacks from death frenzy spell should do the work. But the dices decide that killing one stand from each enemy unit is enough, and i suffer two stands of casualties in return due to stand and shoot and good goblin rolling. i even lose the combat by 1 point. Well, that didn't go according to the plan.

The rest of the units moves forward, but as the enemy keeps their distance, it was not possible to overcome the distance and attack him. /GG: Cause you iz fearin uz! Yez, get da trollz in iz facez!/

The closely packed line of trolls forces me to split as well the second part of the army. One with a Bell, Stormvermins and Clanrats is going to the middle of the field for some much needed help. I approach them as much as possible, but its still far away for my units to reach them.

On the left flank, i prepare some of the units for the inevitable charge from the woods. The main problem is the Giant though /GST: Kill that Giant-thing, quick-quick/, approaching me from the front, as well the cavalry and chariots as its backup I am beginning to fear if my units are up to the task of confronting this. I am retreating one leader back, so he can in the next turn order the much needed second Doomwheel back.


I expect a massive assault on my positions. /GG: Yez yoo will, yo stoopid git. Ladz, get `em! Wat? Den push da trollz and stop muckin about!/ But on my surprise this doesn't happen, as my counterpart is slowly approaching me and is not risking additional command rolls with his heroes, which is understandable. This of course is ignored by the cavalry and chariots on my right flank, who happily charge my Doomwheel and rat ogres with Clanrats, who get obliterated in two rounds of combat, unfortunately. Doomwheel had its chance to survive, but had to roll 7 saves on 4+, which it failed miserably. I only succeed to kill one stand from one chariot unit.

The trolls and chariots shift slowly forward, staying small bit from my reach. They are reluctant to go further. That line is terrifying. I really don`t know how to handle it, but i have to, because its my turn.

The cavalry and chariots are on my mind, they need to be either slowed or disposed of. Thanks to two successful orders I am able to send there Stormvermins to the chariots and plague monks to the wolf riders.

As i am out of the options here, therefore i decide to go all-in and try to smash-force the line of trolls supported by Gobboz. Thenks to several sucessfull orders, I manage to get in the fight units of Clanrats, Rat Ogres and two units of Stormwermin, all supported by Rat swarms.  This will be a nice Smash-kill-mail-mutilate situation. /GG: Fight Harda! Yo iz Gobboz, we iz da bezt, stop dying yo stoopid gitz!/

This is the only detail from the big, fat slaughter. This is where the history is created, weapons are shattered, and morale is tested. Who gives ground, will lose.

This was probably the longest part of the game, with an aftermath where both sides retreated. In the end, two units of goblins and 2 stands of trolls gets evaporated, for the cost of an entire unit of Clan rats, and some stands from swarms and one other Clan rat unit.

On the right, the surprise attack did work somewhat with mixed results. Stormvermins managed to kill one stand of chariots, while losing one of their own. Plague monks shows some more prospects, killing 3 stands of Wolf riders, on their cost of 2 stands of their own.

The second part of the large combat does not so well for me. I am just unable to inflict enough damage, so my units get obliterated one by one. /GG: Thats it Ladz, keep smashin da rattiez!/ 4 stands of the Stormvermin goes to the Horned rat, for some Troll stands that gets removed. But i sense the looming Giant on the horizon is a bad news for my legions. /GST: The Horned Rat helpsss those, who run the fasssstest./

Thanks to the fighting mayhem I am able to organize the last part of my army, that is suitably waiting for the best time and place to charge. I feel better, when Doomwheel returns to its formation. /GST: Now we smasssh-crush sssmall-green-thingsss. Roll over them my brother skavenssss, to inevitable Victory !!!/


Now its the Goblinz turn. The shooting forces 2 Clan rats away on the right flank, where they watch the rest of the Plague Monks and Storm vermin get obliterated, but able to drag some chariots stands and rest of the wolf riders with them. The field is littered with thousands of bodies in these glorious flank slaughter. The rest needs to be obliterated at all costs.

The trolls and the Giant are able to slaughter some of my units in the middle and take the Forrest edge, I am able to kill some of the troll stands and some goblin units as well. The rest is amalgamated into one large terrifying line. Wolf riders are able to charge an lonely swarm unit, but are unable to destroy it. 

Clan rats are able to destroy the last chariots on the right flank thanks to the spell from the wizard, who gave them a lot of extra attacks ( 10 ),  Rat ogres spend their turn chewing some remnant troll unit, which kept regenerating in their mouths, therefore did not do much else. /GST: Good-good, my bold-strong litter-kin! The Horned Rat is pleasssed !/ I cant  achieve much more in the woods. As we count the lost stands, we are both approaching our break points, therefore its a lot intense fight now.

I am trying to obliterate the unit of wolf riders, but Plague Monks cant achieve it and loose 2 stands, as the rat swarm does. This hurt a lot. I am really close to my brake point here.

The last desperate attempt /GG: We iz winnin!... Ei! were iz my boyz!/ to change the outcome of the battle. I assault the last formation of the Goblins, that had not fought so far. Plague monks heartily assault the trolls and obliterate the whole unit. right next to it is a secondary fight against the goblins with the Doom wheel with the Clan rats, and from the other the last surviving goblin stand remains standing. But this assault cost me dearly, one unit of Clanrats, and 2 stands of Plague monks, which means mine opponent gets to my breakpoints and the grey seer sounds the retreat horn. /GG: Hey! I did it! We iz da bezt... ei, were iz everyun..../ and the game is over. /GST: Noooo-nooo, this issss nonsence, I wasss betrayed, someone will pay for thissss .../

So we can go to counting up the points. According to the math, The Goblin army lost 865 points in units and the Skaven 835, Therefore, even when my opponent managed to get to my breaking point as first, i managed to kill more points of his units, therefore the game is a draw. I thank to my opponent for a great game and I am looking forward for more.

On the end, here is the photo of the armies that fought here today.



Thank you for your attention.

+++ Alessan +++

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